

Hemos comprobado que las aplicaciones de los microelectrodos son muy diversas, especialmente interesantes en el análisis químico o electroanálisis y en el uso médico.

Este es un tema de actualidad que se podría desarrollar con mucha más profundidad. Se encontraron gran cantidad de imágenes en la Red de los distintos tipos de microelectrodos; esto refleja la amplitud del tema. También añadimos al blog muchas entradas con artículos científicos, pues son muy utilizados debido a sus importantes ventajas en diversas técnicas analíticas, como los métodos potenciométricos.

El desarrollo de gran cantidad de sensores electroquímicos basados en microelectrodos ha derivado en los esquemas electroquímicos denominados “labs on a chip” portátiles, entre los que destacan los “microchips” para separaciones mediante electroforesis capilar con detección sobre microelectrodos “screen-printed”, apropiados para análisis de campo, así como en la biología y medicina.


Advantages available in the application of the semi-integral electroanalysis technique for the determination of diffusion coefficients in the highly viscous ionic liquid 1‐methyl-3-octylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate

A label free electrical detection of exosomal micro RNAs using microelectrode array

Analytical solution for reverse pulse voltammetry at spherical electrodes: A remarkably sensitive method for the characterization of electrochemical reversibility and electrode kinetics

A negative pressure flow-injection micro-electrode system for rapid and simultaneous determination of four electrolytes in human serums

A new embedded biosensor platform based on micro-electrodes array (MEA) technology

Application of double pulse theory for hemispherical microelectrodes to the experimental study of slow charge transfer processes

Characterization of follow up chemical reactions by reverse pulse voltammetry. An analytical solution for spherical electrodes and microelectrodes

Detection of dopamine in the presence of excess ascorbic acid at physiological concentrations through redox cycling at an unmodified microelectrode array

Detection of pathogenic bacteria by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy: Influence of the immobilization strategies on thesensor performance

Determination of arsenate in natural pH seawater using a manganese-coated gold microwire electrode

Determination of arsenic and antimony in seawater by voltammetric andchronopotentiometric stripping using a vibrated gold microwire electrode

Determination of lead and cadmium in seawater using a vibrating silver amalgam microwire electrode

Direct voltammetric determination of total iron with a gold microelectrode ensemble

Effect of inhibitors on the corrosion of galvanized steel and on mortar properties

Electroanalysis in micro- and nano-scales

Electrocatalytic H2O2 amperometric detection using gold nanotube electrode ensembles

Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy study on multi layered coated steel sheets

Electrochemical studies on c-type cytochromes at microelectrodes

Enhanced hydrogen peroxide sensing based on prussian blue modified macroporous microelectrodes

Extracellular ATP signaling is mediated by H2O2 and cytosolic Ca²⁺ in the salt response of "Populus Euphratica" cells

Facile and controllable synthesis of prussian blue on chitosan functionalized graphene nanosheets for the electrochemical detection of hydrogen peroxide

Gold–platinum alloy nanowires as highly sensitive materials for electrochemical detection of hydrogen peroxide

Immobilization method to preserve enzyme specificity in biosensors: Consequences for brain glutamate detection

Iron tetrasulfophthalocyanine functionalized graphene nanosheets: Attractive hybrid nanomaterials for electrocatalysis and electroanalysis

Machining performance of cryogenically treated electrodes in microelectric discharge machining: A comparative experimental study

Mesenchymal stem cells improve cardiac conduction by upregulationof connexin 43 through paracrine signaling

Micropipet tip based miniaturized electrochemical devicecombined with ultramicroelectrode and its application inimmobilization-free enzyme biosensor

Miniature enzyme based electrodes for detection of hydrogenperoxide release from alcohol-injured hepatocytes

Non invasive microelectrode cadmium flux measurements reveal the spatial characteristics and real-time kinetics of cadmium transport in hyperaccumulatorand nonhyperaccumulator ecotypes of "Sedum Alfredii"

Optimized growth and integration of silica nanowires into interdigitated microelectrode structures for biosensing

Pulsed electrochemical detection of H2O2 on gold

Quasi real time quantification of uric acid in urine using borondoped diamond microelectrode with in situ cleaning

Real time label-free impedimetric protein detection using interdigitated gold microelectrodes and flow injection analysis

Reverse pulse voltammetry at spherical electrodes: Simultaneous determinationof diffusion coefficients and formal potentials. Application to roomtemperature ionic liquids

Simultaneous determination and speciation ofzinc, cadmium, lead, and copper in natural waterwith minimum handling and artifacts, by voltammetry on a gel integrated microelectrode array

Stripping voltammetry at micro interface arrays: A review

Sulfide determination in hydrothermal seawater samples using avibrating gold micro wire electrode in conjunction with strippingchronopotentiometry


Modeling of oxygen transport across tumor multicellular layers

Metal Microelectrodes for Vibrating Probe Studies

Site-specific cell perforation technique

Close up of micro-electrodes touching surface of Pseudomonas mats


Metal Microelectrodes and Microprobes

Glutamate biosensor

Microelectrode measuring nitrate in leaf cells

Microelectrodes for Environmental Monitoring

Ion-selective microelectrode analysis of salicylate transport by the Malpighian tubules and gut of Drosophila melanogaster

Using microelectrodes to measure physicochemical gradients


Microelectrode with BNC connector, 140 mm

Single neuronal recordings using surface micromachined polysilicon microelectrodes

An electrochemical device with microwells for determining the photosynthetic activity of a single cyanobacterium

Nanocrystalline diamond microelectrode arrays fabricated on sapphire technology for high-time resolution of quantal catecholamine secretion from chromaffin cells

Needle-type dissolved oxygen microelectrode array sensors for in situ measurements

Carbon Fiber-based Microelectrodes

FSCV for in vivo measurement of neurotransmitters

Microelectrode Array Microscope

Side-long and end-on view of a microelectrode; 450X ocular magnification

Axial Array Microelectrode

Equipment setup for micromanipulator, headstage, glass microelectrode and leech ganglion preparation

Three types of pH-sensitive microelectrode; exposed-tip, recessed-tip and liquid ion-exchanger

Microelectrodes (glass tubes) sticking into a biofilm sample

Microwires emerging from the green and orange tubes connect to two arrays of 16 microelectrodes embedded in a small mat of clear

Ion-selective microelectrodes

Combination electrodes in microiontophoresis


Diffusional Impedance of a Recessed Microelectrode (video)

Dielectrophoresis on non conventional quadrupole microelectrode (video)

"See Neurons Speak" on a high density microelectrode array (video)

Fast-scan cyclic voltammetry
Microelectrode Array Microscope
Fabrication of microelectrode arrays for in situ sensing of oxidation reduction potentials
Electrochemiluminescence (ECL)
Electrochemical characterization of carbon nanotubes as electrode in electrochemical double-layer capacitors
Microelectrode ion flux measurement - principles and basic theory
Microsensors and Sensor Microsystems
Microelectrodes for Studying Neurobiology
How to Guide Subject: RDE Tip, Micro, and Milli Electrode Care
Spatially arranged microelectrodes using wire bonding technology for spatially distributed chemical information acquision
Probing the brain’s chemistry
A study of nitrite oxidation at platinum microelectrodes
Voltammetry at micro-mesh electrodes
Carbon paste electrodes in electroanalytical chemistry
Brain Chemicals: Using Carbon Fiber Microelectrodes (CFM) in Neurochemical Measurements
Applications of Microelectrodes to Problems in Chemical Oceanography
Advanced Microelectrodes for Chemical and Biological Detection


"Microelectrodes" Maria Irene Montenegro, M. Arlete Queirós, John L. (John Lyle Daschbach)
Fabrication of Electrochemically Deposited Microelectrodes for Microfluidic MEMS App lications
What is a Microelectrode?
Ultrasmall implantable composite microelectrodes with bioactive surfaces for chronic neural interfaces



Schematic of microelectrode gas phase detector for VOCs
Microelectrode in cortical pyramidal cell
Nuestro blog se ha creado como trabajo de la asignatura Métodos Electroanalíticos Avanzados de quinto curso de Licenciatura en Química. Su principal objetivo es describir los microelectrodos y sus aplicaciones en el análisis químico, tales como: medidas en sistemas biológicos, detección en sistemas en flujo y microelectrodos modificados. Para conseguirlo se utilizará información de la Red (vídeos, fotografías, documentos, blogs, páginas web...), textos y artículos académicos que serán agregados como entradas y conformarán el corpus del blog.

Generalidades sobre microelectrodos:

Los microelectrodos poseen al menos una dimensión micrométrica, aceptándose comúnmente que esta dimensión "crítica" no debe sobrepasar los 50 micrometros para que puedan observarse sus propiedades características, como la minimización de los efectos de caída óhmica; la capa de difusión puede sobrepasar las dimensiones del electrodo y disminuye la corriente de carga. Se utilizan microelectrodos de diversas geometrías, siendo las más frecuentes las de disco, la cilíndrica y la configuración de series de microelectrodos ("array"), que contiene varios elementos independientes entre sí. En cuanto a los materiales, los más empleados son la fibra de carbono y el carbono vitrificado, y el platino y el oro, entre los metales.